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swoffing safari 2009

17/04/2009  Heading North to Shark Bay
Moving on ... I stayed with my best mate in Dunsborough for 4 days and this gave me the chance to service the truck and make sure everything on the rig how I wanted it to. I stocked up on some supplies and carried on with my journey North through Perth.

First stop was just North of Perth where I was due to meet one of the pioneers of our sport here in Oz. It was a true honour to have been given the opportunity to meet the one and only Max Garth. His welcoming nature, boyish smile and obvious undying passion for saltwater fly fishing really was inspirational. We shared stories, laughed a lot and spoke about gear, species, locations and Lefty.

Max is a true gentleman of the sport who is as unwavering from his ways as a fat kid with a candy bar.

Continuing on with my journey North from Perth, my next destination was the World Heritage area of Shark Bay where I would meet my good mate Big Gav who was flying in from Sydney.

Flights go from Sydney to Perth, then the regional airline Skywest flies from Perth to Denham. My timing couldn't have been better, after 2 days of driving I pulled into the airport as Gav was collecting his bags having just landed.

Both of us were super keen at heading out for a fish and checking the place out so we headed to Monkey Mia where the boat ramp was and set up camp there where the locals greeted us ..

The sun was going down but that wasn't going to stop us from heading out for a quick flick. It was fitting that Gav managed the first and only fish at Shark Bay and what better species than the iconic tailor.

A normal reaction for the first fish and the t-shirt to prove it

The forecast for the next week was 25 knot winds all week so instead of battling the winds, emus and hordes of tourists ogling at the dolphins, we decided to pack up and continue on to Exmouth where the forecast was good for the next week.

Exmouth will be my new home for the next 4 months
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