Swoffa - Saltwater Flyfishing Australia saltwater fly fishing australia
Australia's best flyfishing
Mac Tuna euthynnus affinis
aka: Mack Tuna, Mack, Kawa Kawa, Little Tuna


Closely related to the famed False Albacore this fish is very common in coastal and offshore waters throughout the tropical and temperate Indo-West and Central Pacific Oceans.

In some parts of Australia mac tuna have become colloquially known as 'vermin' by fly anglers in persuite of the generally larger and more prized Longtail tuna - but that does not detract from their awesome speed and surface-crashing eating habits.

Macks operate in large schools to round up bait and then smash them as a gang, turning the water into a frothing mass of scattering bait and hungry tuna.


Almost any fly delivered into the carnage is an instant hookup followed by a speedy first run. Similar techniques in chasing this species of tuna to the longtails, find the birds, follow the splashes and make long accurate casts with flies that match the bait they are chasing.

A school of mac tuna appear to have a greenish tinge to them and they operate as a tightly knit hunting pack when cruising and feeding.

Typical fish about 5kg but can be up to 12kg. In Australia Macks can be found from the central coast of WA, up through the tropical north and down the east coast to southern NSW.


Tackle and methods for Mac Tuna

What tackle to use
7 to 10wt outfits, large arbour fly reel

What flies to use
Surf candies, Deceivers, Clousers, Gummy Minnows, Polar Fibre Minnows

Fishing strategy
Put the fly into a bust-up or path of a fast moving pod of feeding fish and strip the fly as soon as it hits the water

Cast quickly into the froth of an active bust-up or into the path of a pod of fast moving fish. It doesn't always matter but sometimes a fast retrieve is good to get your fly noticed.

Target Mac Tuna in the following locations:

Target Mac Tuna with the following guides:

Australian Flyfishing Outfitters

Carpentaria Seafaris

Exmouth Fly Fishing

Fish Philliskirk

Gavin Platz

Mark Bargenquast

Melville Island Lodge

Nomad Sportfishing

One Tree Beach

Paul Dolan

Wilderness Island
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