Swoffa - Saltwater Flyfishing Australia saltwater fly fishing australia
Australia's best flyfishing
Lord Howe Island Flyfishing in Lord Howe Island

 Photo: © Tourism New South Wales

Lord Howe Island is the kind of place to go on honeymoon - and sneak a rod or two into the luggage. It's definitely one of the best island holiday locations in Australia if not the World.   It's quite an expensive location but definitely worth it.  Fortunately (or unfortunately if you are on honeymoon) the fishing is excellent.


Summer is generally the best season.  But it rains an blows a lot all year round - be prepared for any type of weather.

The island is large and you get around by bicycle.  A lot of the island shoreline is inaccessible - very rugged volcanic rock.
The lagoon is sheltered and easy to access - fishing can be a bit slow here if you are shore based. 


From a boat the lagoon fishing is brilliant - but there are no boats for hire.  There are paddle-skis for hire.


Guided fishing should be booked very far in advance.  Shore-based, the best option is on the east side at Clear Place - a safe paltform but can be crowded at times.  The Old Gulch is also excellent but access is blocked at the top of the tide.


Offshore fishing charters are all about catching enough kingfish to feed the island's residents and visitors.  Other game fish can be targetted on specialised guided fishing trips that should be booked well in advance.  Ball's Pyramid is a spectacular rock monolith to the south of Lord Howe, where there are plenty of yellowtail kingfish.


Between fishing sessions there is a lot to enjoy, plenty of walks, natural history, birding, island tours, tour of the kentia palm nursery, boat trips, beech going, organised picnics, fine dining, scuba, snokelling, and watching the fish feeding time at Ned's Beach.


Lord Howe has an airport and is serviced by flights from Sydney and Brisbane.  (Luggage allowances are very restricted.)

Lord Howe Island map

Lord Howe Island photo gallery

click for larger images - there are 12 images in this gallery
Species to target in Lord Howe Island

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