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swoffing safari 2009

More remote exploration
09/06/2009  More remote exploration
I was recently joined by John Auer, another fishing mate from Sydney. The Englishman that he is, wore ninja gear from head to toe otherwise he would have fried in the sun and we had a brilliant time yet again fishing together and talking crap on the boat. We focussed our attention exploring the remote corners of the Eastern side of Exmouth Gulf and did two separate camping trips where we loaded the boat full of fuel, supplies and camping gear and headed off. A new species and personal best ... golden trevally (kingfish), on the ...
Fishing with Rod
01/06/2009  Fishing with Rod
The past few weeks have been filled with some truly memorable experiences, not only for me as Safari leader but for my mates who have been invited to join me. Sharing personal bests and new species captures with guys really is something special ... high fives on the boat and laughing until our stomachs are sore seems to be the norm these days. Being with a mate when they are having an experience in their life that they will never forget is a great thing. I am humbled by these experiences I am being fortunate enough to be a part ...
Boneheads with the WA swoffers
23/05/2009  Boneheads with the WA swoffers
After Wilderness Island, we joined up with 'Boneheads' which for those who don't know, is the annual migration of swoffers to Exmouth for a week of fly fishing nirvana. Most of the guys are from the Perth club 'Saltwater Flyrodders', but this year there were guys from Darwin, Karratha, Sydney and even a dude from Idaho! Here's a few pics of the shenanigans .. May as well celebrate life to the full Matt Dundas with his slab of Exmouth ...
Wilderness Island with Matt from Darwin
17/05/2009  Wilderness Island with Matt from Darwin
My mate Matt Henger flew in from Darwin and we enjoyed 2 weeks of laughing, drinking, fishing and the odd bit of fishing. The first week we went across to the Eastern side of Exmouth Gulf where we stayed at Wilderness Island . The second week we would spend with the yearly migration of flyfishers into Exmouth for the week of 'Boneheads'. Here's what happened: The boat was loaded with fuel, beer and all our gear and we made the 27 mile journey across ...
First week in Exmouth with Big Gav
24/04/2009  First week in Exmouth with Big Gav
The bottom of Exmouth Gulf is a great place to fish, the flats are vast and varied and the islands provide many options from rock ledges to beaches to mangroves with semi-sheltered areas from the winds. My mate Gav and I loaded the boat with fuel, food and some camping stuff and headed about 40km South Exmouth Marina for a couple of days camping, exploring and fishing. It didn't take long before we started spotting large queenfish in singles and doubles, cruising the surface in the shallows. ...
Shark Bay to Exmouth
20/04/2009  Shark Bay to Exmouth
So on we went to Exmouth, 8 hours drive North, the rig packed and our excitement brewing for some hardcore fly fishing. What a beautiful sight .. As we drove into town we turned right towards the marina, dropped the boat in and headed out for a fish. Not knowing the place from a bar of soap we played it safe and headed about 2km down the beach looking for anything that moves, but it was an afternoon filled with a few small reef fish each. Exploring the place and not ...
Heading North to Shark Bay
17/04/2009  Heading North to Shark Bay
Moving on ... I stayed with my best mate in Dunsborough for 4 days and this gave me the chance to service the truck and make sure everything on the rig how I wanted it to. I stocked up on some supplies and carried on with my journey North through Perth. First stop was just North of Perth where I was due to meet one of the pioneers of our sport here in Oz. It was a true honour to have been given the opportunity to meet the one and only Max Garth. His welcoming nature, boyish smile and obvious undying passion for saltwater fly fishing ...
First fish of the trip - big WA salmon
15/04/2009  First fish of the trip - big WA salmon
The salmon in WA are another breed completely! Nothing like the Sydney ones at all that at times seem impossible to tempt even with eyes flies. These beasts aren't scared of big flies at all. My mate Etienne suggested we get some live herring and use them as live bait on his conventional rod. He hooked a 6 inch herring onto a single hook and threw it into a wash where we saw the salmon sitting ... it lasted about 5 seconds before a large salmon inhaled it and instantly pulled line and took to the air. I was gob smacked at the size ...

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