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swoffing safari 2009

Driving solo across Australia
09/04/2009  Driving solo across Australia
The route across Oz is from Sydney, due West through New South Whales to South Australia and down to Adelaide, then across the Nullarbor Plain which is 1200km of desert and straight roads, then into West Australia and across the bottom left of the continent to Esperance and then through to Dunsborough where I will meet up with my best mate Etienne Nel (also x saffa). 4500km to get there in 6 days. From their I will continue North through Perth and on to Shark Bay, then Exmouth, then Broome. By this stage I would have done around ...
Still driving after how many days?
08/04/2009  Still driving after how many days?
The rig and I made it to Esperance which is a gorgeous part of the world in the South of Western Australia ... I was so tempted to put my boat in a see if there were any salmon about but I needed to get to Dunsborough the following day so time was precious. Cool scenery - a suitable backdrop for the rig which I had started referring to as a space shuttle due to it's unbelievable performance After 6 days straight, ...
The Adventure Begins
04/01/2009  The Adventure Begins
As a kid I used to page through National Geographic magazines and wonder why on Earth the woolly bearded explorers featured in the Rolex adverts would want to climb the world’s highest mountains unaided with no oxygen. What a ridiculous thing to do, but now that I’m a little wiser, it’s got me thinking what it is that makes people do things out of the ordinary? I’ll probably never know for sure and I doubt that I will ever find myself on the summit of an 8000m peak, but in my own little world, I have decided to climb my own Everest ...

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