Swoffa - Saltwater Flyfishing Australia saltwater fly fishing australia
Australia's best flyfishing
Queenfish scomberoides commersonnianus
aka: Queenie

 Photo: © Craig Jenkins

Better than any airshow of frantic aerobatics, these ferocious predators love eating flies and Australia is literally riddling with them.

A fishing trip to anywhere on the Northern half of Australia is likely to include numerous explosive encounters with this specie and they are a dynamic inshore target found in varying conditions from shallow flats, mangrove lined creeks, open water and also around inshore reef areas.

They have everything that a saltwater angler would want in a fish, aggression, speed, aerial display and a hunger almost as big as their mouth.


The avearge size is 1kg - 7kg, but they can reach 15kg. A fish of this size will tear 150m of backing off your reel with ease, often with greyhounding leaps trying to rid themselves of the fly.

Queenies have been called the ultimate Ozzie shallowater sport fish with famed American angler Dan Blanton rating them as one of his favourite fish on fly in Australia.


Tackle and methods for Queenfish

What tackle to use
7 - 10wt outfits. 20Lb tippet is good - shock tippets will be needed for consistent success on bigger Queenies.

What flies to use
Poppers; Crease flies; Gurglers; Deceivers; Pink things; Clousers; Polar-Fiber minnows; Surf Candies.

Fishing strategy
This a fish that loves most flies, but especially surface flies. Sub-surface is fine too but try erratic strips with a dash of speed for good results.

Feeding Queenies are not usually hard to catch - any fly reasonably representing the bait they are chasing will be eaten if presented within their path or range. When Queenies are not actively feeding - just hanging around structure - they can be more difficult to coax, but a popper or crease fly presented close and worked hard can sometimes excite them into an attack. Visibly feeding Queenies will often work in a school - balling up the bait if they can. Strong tides, especially run-out tides, will often see big Queenies move into ambush spots on reefs, creek mouths, eddies around bommies and islands.

They bear small sets of spines both across the top and bottom so watch the spikes. Small queenies hurt like hell if you get pricked by one.

Target Queenfish in the following locations:

Target Queenfish with the following guides:

Australian Flyfishing Outfitters

Barra Lodge Arnhemland

Carpentaria Seafaris

Exmouth Fly Fishing

Fish Philliskirk

Mark Bargenquast

Melville Island Lodge

One Tree Beach

Paul Dolan

Wilderness Island
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